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Faces of Self Identity

First and foremost, let’s explore “What is self-identity?” It basically means who your real self is. Your true personality, which makes you different (in a good way of course), and the ‘standout from the crowd’ kind of part of you. Something that makes you, You.

In the world like now, a question lingers in all our minds, “How do I find or know what my ‘true personality’ or my ‘true self’ is?”

Well, for one, a person can have personalities instead of a personality; sometimes unknowingly. Why and How do you ask? Because apparently ‘to be your true self’ is wrong is what we are told growing up. Sometimes indirectly, and sometimes directly. “Don’t look them in the eye” or “Don’t talk back” or “Touch your elders’ feet and take their blessings” or “Elders are always right”. These lines or dialogues alter our personalities and our true self because we are told to “always listen to our elders because they know best”.

The ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ of life alter our personalities so intricately, so deeply, that before we can even begin exploring our personality, our identity, the alteration of it begins. It starts from our families, then our friends, and anyone we cross paths within our lives.

So, to find your “self-identity” you need to unlearn and undo all the alterations done to you your whole life. But the question is, “Do we have the time, patience, and means, to rediscover ourselves and find ourselves?” Are we ready to stop and back away from our life, from our responsibilities and only be by ourselves? Are we ready to break apart and dissect our personality or personalities, piece by piece, and put us back together the original way?

Alas, this all shall remain in theory. None of us, and I mean no one, knows how to reconstruct themselves, or to begin with none know how to break down their personality, their soul and their thoughts, to be able to reconstruct themselves. So, what do we do? We just ignore the whole idea of finding our self-identity that altered many possible futures, do a handful of possibilities and live our lives as it is. Altered and unaware of what could be.



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