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Little Escape

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

Pastel pink sky, sparkly wings, donuts, shimmering water, colourful houses, Christmas lights- “Earth to Ryuu” was whispered near the elf’s ear who flinched suddenly and turned around only to get flicked on his forehead. “Ouch! What was that for?” uttered the young elf to his friend, whose honey brown eyes were glaring at him.

“Only if you’ll not zone out every two minutes, then you’ll know that the class is over” informed the young alpha while already leaving. The elf looked around the lecture hall only to find it almost empty and slumped back just to find his friend already leaving the class. He hastily gathered his things and ran after him.

“you know, you should’ve just nudge me instead of whispering in my ear” he muttered while rubbing his pointy ears. Elven ears are long pointy and sensitive which can get easily irritated. He matched Silas the alphas pace and linked their forearms.

“oh, you think I didn’t, only if you’ll come out of the pixie world” Silas gave him an unamused glance. Ryuu just rolled his eyes and dragged him towards the arena where they usually eat in their lunch break.

They spot their other friend who was laying on the grass plucking them while scratching his left leg with the right one. They sprinted towards and slipped beside him. “ took you both long enough” Nolan their vampire friend mocked with a bore expression. Silas just glared at Ryuu who just smiled sheepishly.

“where’s Amora?” “she went to get us some churros”. “Well, at least something good in this taxing day”. While they were lazing off something was thrown on their faces they groaned. “AMORA!” the friends exclaimed together glaring at the witch, Amora was levitating in the air jumped towards them grinning.

“Yo! Boys and hi Tinkerbell” she greeted While joining them. Ryuu banged his head on the grass aggressively “stop calling me that, I’m not a fairy”. “Well, your unhealthy obsession with the pixies begs to differ that Tinkerbell” biting on her churros the witch scoffed.

“is it wrong to dream of living there once” tying his long blonde straight hairs Ryuu stare at his friends expectantly? “Well, definitely when it’s illegal”.

Pixie world is illegal to be visited by other supernatural creatures. Pixies are beautiful but secluded beings who just want a peaceful and happy life. Pixies have a short life span, so they believe in living peacefully with love and prosperity.

They don’t keep alliances or interact with other creatures. Without permission and confirmation, you cannot visit the pixie realm. But people have always been intrigued about their lifestyle and world. Ryuu is a young elf with a petite frame, green eyes, pale skin, pointy ears, and long blonde straight hair. An elven prince who’s unhealthily obsessed with pixies since he visited them through the magic shop.

But now the magic shop has been banned to be visited and is covered by magic spells. The prince always adored colorful and sparkling things. Well, even the elven realm is beautiful with purple skies, extraordinary beauty, and everything royal. But being a prince comes with abiding duties.

Amora Katerina a witch with curly brunette hair, caramel skin, sapphire eyes belongs to a very powerful coven, trying to follow her mother’s footsteps. Trying to break the spell so her friend could shut his rant about pixie for once,

well, that’s what she’s saying to her friends but low key, every one of them wants to see the pixie world. Silas Cahill an alpha werewolf with a tall frame and intimidating aura is so done with the pack meetings and being trained to be the next heir. He just wants to go with the flow as his friends said.

And last but not least of these amigo's Nolan (who is just Nolan) a grumpy and lazy vampire, who just wants to run away from every problem. Well, how this combo of four unusual species got together? To reason that they all studies in High loops the school for supernatural beings.

Ryuu rushed through the mass of students with adrenaline to reach the magic shop. This morning Amora informed them about learning about some spells in her mother’s diary which could help them break through the magic shop. So, they decided to meet there at four. The elven found his friends waiting for him in the alleyway beside the magic shop. They headed towards the magic shop which read mi casa es su casa ( my house is your house) which looks small and abandoned.

“step back” the witch exclaimed to her friends, as she stood in the center. Stretching an arm toward the shop. She started chanting and kept her hand there until the vein in her hand glow with a purple hue before she curls her finger inwards slowly until they made a fist, everything was in a whirlwind around her.

Until everything went eerily calm. She turns around to her friends, only to find one of them leaning on the side breathing heavily, one to be sitting on the ground eyes closed, and one who was throwing up in the plants.

“what was that?!” Ryuu asked after puking all over the plants with a sour expression. “The key to the new world” Amora opened the door as she was still levitating from the ground and entered.

Her friends quickly rushed after her and all of them gasped. This place was nothing how it looks from the outside it’s magnificent. High ceilings, chandeliers, staircases leading different ways, but the most mesmerising thing was thousands of mirrors, small and big, pretty and some shattered.

“WOAH! So many mirrors, but why can’t I see myself in any one of them?!” the alpha twirl around in bewilderment.

“Because those are not mirrors but portals to the different realm” the lazy yet smart vampire uttered. Amora dragged them all towards a mirror lying on the floor which is said to be the pixie one.

Ryuu was bubbling with excitement and nervousness, he felt light-headed, jumpy jittery, and giddy. Couldn’t believe that he’s standing in front of his dreams. A clearing of the throat snapped him from his bubble as he turns towards Amora. “Look guys there are some rules which you have to follow”.

“What is it now? Let’s go already”. “No,” she said sternly. “Do you even know why this place is called 'mi casa es su casa' ?” the boys shook their heads. “It means my house is your house that means when will enter one of these portals it will become our temporary house and you all should act as you belong there”.

Ryuu's eyes bulged out “that means, are we going to be turned into pixies?!” Now the elven excitement knew no bounds, he was buzzing. “No! I don’t want to turn into a pixie that’ll be gross, I’m an alpha for goddess sake”. “You are doing it” the two friends glared at the alpha and turns towards the vampire who just muttered a small whatever.

Ryuu holds their hands quickly and jumped into the open portal which was swirling. They opened their eyes and their mouth dropped. Pastel pink sky, fluffy clouds, shimmering water, and everything like literally everything was sparkling.

They look around to see pixies flying, stalls, and games it seems like a festival. Indeed, it was a pixie festival, there was this buzz they’ve never seen or felt. Ryuu looked around with this gleam in his eyes only to stop and watch his friends, who have WINGS?! Silas was beside Amora, except he was circling

himself over and over again like those dogs online trying to look at the sparkling wings on his back. His wings were huge and were flapping wildly which he was horrified about. Amora looked around like a small girl with big doe glittery eyes. Her wings were purple and they were still.

Nolan was holding both his sparkling red wings with black outlines in his hands to stop them from flapping. Then the realisation hit Ryuu and he squealed loudly. Grinning widely, he bounces on his legs, but his wings started flapping and he was flying. The feeling was out of the world, they were working according to his instinct. He went towards Silas the alpha looked like he’ll cry any minute. Ryuu holds his hands and told him to calm down.

“No! No! No! Please, please remove this-“ he was going berserk. Seeing Silas who usually looked confident be so scared now was a little cute. “Alpha” Amora mocked and seize his mouth and told him to calm down. It took thousands of apologies, promises, and minutes for him to be calm. A promise to hold his hand through the whole time.

The pixie passing by never even glance their way more than a second, it was as if they’re one of them. Everything seems normal except one thing that everything was facing the other side it was confusing. Pixie festival was amazing!!!!

There was all type of pixie’s small and big, pretty and they all sparkled and shimmered. And best of all they were all nice and big smiles.

Ryuu was running everywhere he was even given donuts and churros. Silas and everyone looked happier now. They ran towards where the crowd was gathered to see all the pixies skiing on a high platform and then flying, it seems fun to Ryuu. He dragged his friends there and, in a few trials, and they were able to do it too.

Later they tried games, ran through the whole festival, explore outside the festival. They were like kids in a toy store. They were free from every responsibility, battle, exam, and duty. They weren’t the next heirs there; they were just some small pixies who are exploring everything in their short lives.

Silas finally got hold of flying and they flew through the fluffy skies. They took a dip in the shimmering water but when they came out of the water their wings were all flickery and they were tickling. They laughed wholeheartedly while scratching each other.

At the end of the day, there wasn’t any sunset, but they saw the sparkling moon above the shimmering water. It was serene and surreal. The four sat on a deck beside each other while watching the scene with a peaceful smile.

When they returned with smiles stuck on their faces with glue. There, they promised to explore every portal every weekend and keep this as their little secret.

In the school, they were all giggle and bubble in the excitement of returning to their little escape.

Sometimes you just need the adventure to cleanse the bitter taste of life from your soul.

By Sadiya Shah.

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